a bunny bird
Lookum. Lokum. yum yum yum.

Who we've been

Correspondances, memos, mementos, grievances, dalliances, home-remedies...

On the shady patches of sidewalk across from the residency, on the long subway ride towards the Education Wing, through the orange-lit crack in the door behind which Stacey keeps the printing press, in the empty café chair still warm from our gallerist, we write the back pages of Lafin's history.

At Lafin, we feel it is important to pierce small holes in the veil between the professional and the personal, allowing light to spill through. In the warm glow of pin-prick lights, we trace the lines of our journeys.

the inbetween

In seeking out institutional archives, we are often given a mish mash of incidental memories. Private musings are the colour and vitality of institutional shifts.

We've decided to archive, however possible, the ephemera... the extra-curricular musings of an institution.

As with the archives of our programs and projects, these are—by necessity—reconstructed from imagination as well as memory.

join us

Over the decades, many artists, intellectuals, pseudoscientists, and narrautonomists have collaborated with Lafin to further the mission.

In putting together our history, moments stick to other moments. A gluey substance transfers to everything our archivists' touch, as they engage in the strange task of pulling moments apart, and setting time-lines against the natural flow of time, to dry them before their pressing.

At Lafin history is pressing. It is the past and the future all happening at once, discovery and invention are one. Join us. Find out more.