a bunny bird
The image of a bunny/bird.

Everything is Happening in Secret


Our academics are currently working behind closed doors. This is could mean that they're up to no good.

Check the time-line for past and/or future publications.

Student-lead seminars have been sprouting up in unlikely places. These, we've been told, are digging in obscure and unconventional directions.

Our past and current faculty are revising aspects of the curriculum, in response to our new priorities.

Our graduate students are transforming the education wing. Our goal is to adapt quickly, and responsively.

join us

We are not currently admitting new students, or hiring new faculty. We are, however, always on the lookout for driven and adventurous collaborators.

We believe the journey is tricky. Innovation requires the same kind of unshakable optimism that makes dangerous ideas seem good. It plunges headlong into the unknown. It relishes in the steadfast belief that ours will always be a world of unexplored continents.

At Lafin, the fictional study of narrative expands into every crevice of knowledge, reimagining what it means to engage in study. Find out more.